Geriatrics, Interprofessional and Interorganizational Collaboration (GiiC)

Provincial Initiative

Who is the GiiC for?

The GiiC is training program for Family Health Teams and Community Health Centres to improve their work in frailty focused care. The initiative was designed to support 200 facilitators in core competencies training. The project was funded by a Health Force Ontario Interprofessional Care Grant.

What sets this training apart?

Surveys have shown that, across disciplines, professionals lacked the confidence and skill sets to care for frail seniors upon graduation. Many felt that they learned these skills ‘on the job’, with only special events and pilot projects offering the chance for reflection and formal learning.

Through this work, several toolkits were developed, specifically to help those working in Family Health Teams and Community Health Centres. Developed Toolkits Include:

  • Advance Directives in Primary Care
  • Capacity Assessment in Primary Care
  • Caregiver Burden in Primary Care
  • Delirium in Primary Care
  • Dementia in Primary Care
  • Depression in Primary Care
  • Driving in Primary Care
  • Falls in Primary Care
  • Geriatric Periodic Health Exam in Primary Care
  • Pain in Primary Care
  • Urinary Incontinence in Primary Care

What are the goals of GiiC’s work?

  1. The consolidation of a team of GiiC resource consultants
  2. The training of a province wide network of 200 GiiC facilitators
  3. A set of GiiC teaching resources and facilitation tools with an online repository
  4. An intersectoral and province wide health services workforce with enhanced awareness and knowledge of each other and higher levels of skill in the three competencies
  5. A sustainability plan for each network hub consistent with each group’s specific needs
  6. Leverage existing resources and skill sets
  7. Improved shared health care for seniors and especially frail seniors

Who was involved in GiiC’s work?

The GiiC initiative is a collaboration between:

  • The Regional Geriatric Programs of Ontario (located in Hamilton, Kingston, London, Ottawa and Toronto)
  • The Centre for Education and Research on Aging and Health (CERAH) at Lakehead University
  • The North East Specialized Geriatric Services (NESGS) Group in Sudbury
  • CERAH and the NESGS Interest Group are affiliated with the Northern Ontario School of Medicine

The GiiC Project was funded by the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care through a HealthForceOntario, Interprofessional Care Education Fund and supports the Provincial Interprofessional Care Blueprint for Action.