Compendium of Educational Offerings Relevant to Interprofessional Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment
The Compendium of Educational Offerings Relevant to Interprofessional Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) is a result of collaboration between the North East Specialized Geriatric Services (NESGC), Seniors Care Network, and Laurentian Research Institute for Aging (LRIA). This final result of this collaboration is an extensive compendium of educational offerings divided into 3 sections:
Section 1
Freely Available Educational Offerings
Contains over 250 free resources that can be easily accessed online. These offerings vary widely in media type and include learning modules, PowerPoint presentations, lecture slides, videos, pdf documents, and conference recordings, among others.
Jump to Section 1Section 2
Non Post-Secondary Courses or Educational Offerings with Fees
Includes more than 20 educational offerings, mostly in the form of courses that can be taken online or in a classroom setting, such as Gentle Persuasive Approaches (GPA) in Dementia Care. These offerings have varying costs, time requirements and delivery methods.
Jump to Section 2Section 3
Post Secondary Continuing Professional Development (CPD) or Continuing Education Programs/Courses in Ontario and Quebec
Includes over 15 CPD programs offered by colleges in Ontario and Quebec, as well as CPD programs offered by universities. Most of these programs can be completed online.
Jump to Section 3As you will see, this compendium matches the competency statements of the Competency Framework for Interprofessional CGA as well as the Self-Assessment Tool. Once clinicians have developed their SMART learning goals using the Self-Assessment Tool, the compendium can be used to access the relevant education. Given the many educational formats available, clinicians are encouraged to choose offerings that are most appropriate for their preferred style of learning.
Section 1: Freely Available Educational Offerings
Core Geriatric Knowledge
Demonstrate fundamental understanding of physiological and biopsychosocial mechanisms of the aging process, age-related changes to functioning, and the impact of frailty.
Apply knowledge of the clinical, socio-behavioural and functional biomedical sciences relevant to geriatric clinical practice, including but not limited to:
Normal Aging
The Physiology of Aging
Normal Aging and Geriatric Syndromes/Conditions
Registration required
Conférence Vieillir en santé (aging in health conference)
En français
La participation sociale des aînés dans une perspective de vieillissement en santé (social participation of older adults by looking at healthy aging
En français
Intrinsic Aging, A Histological Perspective of the Musculoskeletal System
Registration required
Physiology of Aging
Normal and Usual Aging
Registration required
The Process of Aging
Registration required
Basics of Normal Aging
Registration required
Alliance for Geriatric Education in Specialties Curriculum
Powerpoint file
Alzheimer’s Diseases and Related Dementias
The Biology of Aging
Atypical Presentation of Illness in the Elderly
The Physiology of Aging
Atypical presentation of disease or medical conditions in the older adult
Geriatric management of the older adult with multiple, complex medical conditions
Classes Virtuelles - Classes pour éduquer les personnes sur la maladie Parkinson et les implications (Virtual classes on Parkinson’s disease and its implications)
Registration required
Congrès Provincial sur la maladie de Parkinson (Provincial Meeting for Parkinson’s Disease)
Geriatric Diseases and Syndromes
Parkinsonism: A Geriatrician’s Perspective
Registration required
Alliance for Geriatric Education in Specialties Curriculum
8 module powerpoint
Managing Multiple Chronic Conditions
Registration required
Giants of Geriatrics - Current Issues and Challenges
Classes Virtuelles - Classes pour éduquer les personnes sur la maladie Parkinson et les implications (Virtual classes on Parkinson’s disease and its implications)
Registration required
Falls and mobility
Falls Module
Registration required
Falls and Immobility Video by Dr. Arielle Berger and Dr. Katherine Berg
Geriatric Insights: Falls, Osteoporosis, and Fractures Video by Monica Menecola
Falls and Fracture Prevention Video by Dr. Maureen Ash
Trauma and Falls e-module
Falls in Primary Care
Falls in Hospital
Falls and Fall Prevention Module
Falls and Mobility Primary Care Resources
Falls Prevention: Tools and Strategies
Registration required
Aging Well: Falls
Registration required
Prévention des chutes et des blessures associées chez la personne âgée (Falls prevention and injuries associated with older adults)
Prévenir et gérer les chutes et le blocage pour les personnes atteintes de la maladie de Parkinson (Prevention and management of falls for people with Parkinson’s disease)
Registration required
Empêcher les chutes et réduire les blessures associées (Preventing falls and the reducing injuries)
Falls Prevention
Your Role After a Fall: Assessment and Communication, an Interdisciplinary Approach
Interprofessional Geriatric Education and Training in Texas: Fall Risk Education & Assessment
Falls in the Hospitalized Older Patient
Registration required
Preventing Falls in Community Dwelling Older Adults
Registration required
Geriatric Rehabilitation
Falls Module
Registration required
Immobility and its complications
Cognitive function
Mid cognitive impairment (MCI)
Dementias including behavioural and psychological symptoms (BPSD)
Cognitive Impairment
Dementia Video by Dr. Frank Molnar
Dementia - A Practical Approach for the Primary Care Provider Video by Dr. Samir Sinha
Dementia and EOL Case Study Video by Nancy Corcoran and Anna Moller
Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia
Approach to Dementia
Dementia Module
Dementia Primary Care Resources
Intervenir auprès des familles des personnes agées: Prévenir, reconnaître, et gérer les situations de crises (Interventions for families of older adults: How to prevent, recognize and manage crisis situations)
En Français
Comment la douleur affecte-t-elle les personnes atteintes de maladies neurodégénératives? (How does pain affect people with neurodegenerative diseases?)
En Français
Delirium, Dementia, and Depression in Older Adults (5 Module Course)
Registration Required
A Resource Guide: Strategies for living an active, safe and engaged lifestyle
Living Safely in the Community, 4 module online learning course
Registration Required
Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Overview (NAHCA)
Registration Required
Knowledge of Dementia Disorders for Healthcare Assistants
Registration Required
The Confused Resident: Strategies for Quality Care
Registration Required
What is Dementia?
The Different Types of Dementia
Safety and Dementia
Online Courses
Registration Required | Dementia 101: Basics | Dementia 102: Communication | Dementia 103: Behaviour | Finding Your Way: Living Safely in the Community ( En Français )
Understanding Dementia
Preventing Dementia
The Thinking Problems of Dementia, 7 A’s
Alzheimer’s Disease
Your Role in Dementia Detection and Treatment: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Health Maintenance in the Dementia Patient
Registration Required
Early Detection and Different Types of Dementia
Registration Required
Patient Centred Dementia Care - Understanding Patient and Caregiver Experiences
Registration Required
Dementia - Person Centered Care
Registration Required
Basics of Evaluating Memory Concerns
Registration Required
Alliance for Geriatric Education in Specialties Curriculum (8 module powerpoint)
Le délire, la démence, et la dépression chez les personnes âgées: Évaluation et soins (Delirium, dementia and depression in older adults: Evaluation and care)
En Français
Elder Mistreatment and Dementia
Registration Required
Alzheimer’s Diseases and Related Dementias
Cognitive Impairment Recognition, Diagnosis and Management in Primary Care
Advancing Practice in the Care of People with Dementia: Overview of Dementia
Advancing Practice in the Care of People with Dementia: Risk Factors and Risk Reduction
Advancing Practice in the Care of People with Dementia: Diagnosing Dementia
Advancing Practice in the Care of People with Dementia: Treatment and Intervention Options
Advancing Practice in the Care of People with Dementia: Social and Lifestyle Consideration
Advancing Practice in the Care of People with Dementia: Philosophy of Care
Advancing Practice in the Care of People with Dementia: Therapeutic Communication and Relationships
Advancing Practice in the Care of People with Dementia: Creating Dementia Friendly Environments
Advancing Practice in the Care of People with Dementia: Carer Health and Support
Behavioural Issues Video by Dr. Lesley Wisenfeld
Behavioural Issues in Primary Care Resources
A Guide to Understanding Dementia Behaviours
Full Version
A Guide to Understanding Dementia Behaviours
Short Version
Recognizing Early Warning Signs of Responsive Behaviours
Maladie d’Alzheimer et autres troubles neurocognitifs majeures: Symptômes comportementaux et psychologiques de la démence (SCPD) (Alzheimer's disease and other major neurocognitive disorders: Behaviour and psychological symptoms of dementia)
En Français
Working with a Resident who is Exit Seeking
Pain Matters - A Family Guide to Pain Management in Dementia
Meaning and Solutions for Behaviours in Dementia Inventory
Apathy, Depression, and Anxiety in Dementia eModule
Approche non-pharmacologique visant le traitement des symptômes comportementaux et psychologiques de la démence (Non-pharmacological approaches for treating behavioural and psychological symptoms associated with dementia)
En Français
Changer de regard: Guide pour comprendre les comportements de la maladie d’Alzheimer et maladies apparentées (Shifting focus: A guide to understanding responsive behaviours in Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias)
En Français
Agitation dans les démences (Agitation and dementia)
En Français
Treatment of behavioural changes in persons with dementia
Registration Required
The IPA Complete Guide to Behavioral and Pyschological Symptoms of Dementia
Practical Management of Challenging BEhaviours in Dementia Care
Chapter 3 (pg. 64-70) | 7 A’s of categorizing common losses of dementia | Anosognosia, Amnesia, Aphasia, Agnosia, Apraxia, Altered Perception, Apathy
Cognitive Impairment
Mood disorders and other psychiatric manifestations
Depression Module
Registration Required
Addictions Module
Registration Required | En Français
Depression in Late Life Video by Dr. Robert Madan
Geriatric Mental Health: Risks for Suicide Video by Dr. Robert Madan
Depression Primary Care Resources
Substance Abuse in Primary Care Resources
Mental Health and Practice Implications Module (Oct 22 - Nov 4, 2018)
Registration Required
Aging and PTSD
Suicide - Évaluation et prévention chez la personne agée (Suicide - Evaluation and prevention in older adults)
En Français
Prévention du suicide chez les adultes plus âgées (Suicide prevention in older adults)
En Français
Depression in Older Adults
Depression and Cognitive Decline
Registration Required
Suicide in Older Adults
Registration Required
Delirium, Dementia, and Depression in Older Adults: Assessment and Care
Le délire, la démence, et la dépression chez les personnes âgées: Évaluation et soins (Delirium, dementia and depression in older adults: Evaluation and care)
En Français
Geriatric Delirium
Interviewing Older Adults
Registration Required
L’évaluation des besoins en matière de prévention du suicide chez les aînés: Études exploratoire (Evaluation of prevention methods for suicide in older adults)
En Français
Older Adults and Mood Disorders
The Psychogeriatric Quick Resources Guide
Depression Module
Registration Required
Nutrition and Dehydration Video by Dr. Heather Keller
Nutrition Module
Registration Required
Combating Malnutrition in Long Term Care
Registration Required
Undernutrition in the Hospitalized Older Adult
Registration Required
Nutrition for the Older Adult
Registration Required
Malnutrition in Older Adults
The Prevalence and Impact of Malnutrition in Canadian Hospitals
Addressing Sarcopenia and Protein Energy Metabolism Through Dietary Management
Challenges for Providing Protein to Support Nutrition and Health Needs in Older Adults
Planning Meals Using Eating Well With Canada’s Food Guide
A Guide to Healthy Eating for Older Adults
Nutrition Guidelines Seniors Health Overview
Nutrition and Dehydration Video by Dr. Heather Keller
Pain management
Doctor I Hurt All Over! Powerpoint presentation by Dr. Alexandrea Peel
Pain Module
Registration Required
Pain Assessment and Management in Older Persons Video by Dr. Lucia Gagliese
Pain Management in Primary Care
Pain the 5th Vital Sign - Pain Management in the Older Adult
Pain in Primary Care Resources
Évaluation et prise en charge de la douleur (Evaluation and pain management)
En Français
Diagnosis and Management of Pain in the Dementia
Registration Required
Pain Management in the Older Adult
Registration Required
Pain Self-Management
Registration Required
Pain Matters - A Family Guide to Pain Management in Dementia
Comment la douleur affecte-t-elle les personnes atteintes de maladies neurodégénératives? (How does pain affect people with neurodegenerative diseases?)
En Français
Understanding Pain in Older Adults: The Basics of Assessment
Pain Assessment: Using Behavioural Screening Tools
Pain Management Handout
Pain Management for the Geriatric Patient
Pain Management in the Elderly
Managing Pain in the Elderly
Pain Management in Older Persons
Management of Persistent Pain in Older Adults
Doctor I Hurt All Over! Powerpoint presentation by Dr. Alexandrea Peel
Bone disorders
Geriatrics Insights: Falls, Osteoporosis and Fractures Video by Monica Menecola
Falls and Fracture Prevention Video by Dr. Maureen Ash
Osteoporosis and Falls in Long Term Care
Arthritis in Primary Care Resources
Osteoporosis in Primary Care Resources
Thyroid in Primary Care Resources
Osteoporosis: What it is, how do we detect it, and what should we do?
Secondary Fracture Prevention
Geriatrics Insights: Falls, Osteoporosis and Fractures Video by Monica Menecola
Delirium Module
Registration Required
Delirium Video by Dr. Camilla Wong
Cognitive Impairment
Delirium in Hospital Care
Delirium Primary Care Resources
Recognizing, Preventing and Managing Delirium in Adult Hospitalized Patients
Registration Required
Delirium, Dementia, and Depression in Older Adults: Assessment and Care
Le délire, la démence, et la dépression chez les personnes âgées: Évaluation et soins (Delirium, dementia and depression in older adults: Evaluation and care)
En Français
Geriatric Delirium
Delirium: Medication Decision Making in Prevention and Management
Registration Required
Registration Required
Depression and Delirium in Older Adults
Registration Required
The Confused Patient in the Hospital
Alliance for Geriatric Education in Specialties Curriculum (8 module powerpoint)
Delirium Module
Registration Required
Bowel and bladder management
Incontinence Module
Registration Required
Incontinence Video by Dr. Jennifer Skelly
Urinary Incontinence in the Frail Elderly
Urinary Incontinence in the Elderly Presentation
Bowel & Bladder in Primary Care Resources
Managing Urinary Incontinence in Older Adults
Functional Bowel Disorders in the Geriatric Patient
Registration Required
Urinary Incontinence in the Elderly
A Model for Excellence in Continence Care
Best Practices in the Prevention and Manangement of Constipation
Continence/Constipation Workshop for RNs in Long Term Care
Continence Care in Older People
Promoting Continence for Nursing Home Residents
Urinary Incontinence
Urinary Incontinence in Frail Older People
Incontinence Module
Registration Required
Metabolic disorders
Heart Failure Module
Registration Required | En Français
Chronic Disease Management Video by Dr. Barry Goldlist
Chronic Heart Disease Video by Dr. George Heckman
2013 CDA Diabetes Guidelines with a Geriatric Focus Video by Wendy Bileski-Weir
Diabetes in the Elderly
Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders
Diabetes in Primary Care Resources
Heart Disease & Stroke in Primary Care Resources
When Normal Care May Not Necessarily be Good Care Video by Dr. John Puxty
Chronic Disease Management in Long Term Care Homes: Slides
Chronic Disease Management in Long Term Care Homes: Webinar
Guide de Prévention de l’accident vasculaire cérébral chez les patients atteints de fibrillation auriculaire (Guide to preventing strokes for patients with atrial fibrillation)
En Français
Managing Multiple Chronic Conditions: Challenges in the Care of Older Adults
Registration Required
Heart Failure Module
Registration Required | En Français
Normal Aging
Demonstrate skill in working with older adults with significant functional deficits and communication challenges (e.g cognitive impairment, sensory impairment, behavioural problems or ethno-cultural pluralities).
Demonstrate skill in working with older adults with significant functional deficits and communication challenges
Functional Decline Video by Dr. Camilla Wong
Hearing and Aging: What can we do about it? Video by Dr. Marilyn Reed
Vision Loss in the Elderly Video by Dr. Erika Weir
Hearing Loss in Primary Care Resources
Vision Loss in Primary Care Resources
Caring for the Cognitively Impaired for Healthcare Assistance
Registration Required
Communication: The Process and Between Generations
Registration Required
Macular Degeneration
Improving Communication with Older Patients
Interviewing Older Adults
Registration Required
The Older Adult with Visual, Hearing and Cognitive Impairment
Registration Required
Basics of Communicating with Older Adults
Registration Required
Functional Decline Video by Dr. Camilla Wong
Demonstrate skill in working with older adults with significant functional deficits and communication challenges
Demonstrate knowledge of medication management, including but not limited to:
Demonstrate knowledge of medication management
Pharmacology Module (Nov 19 - Dec 2, 2018)
Registration Required
Prescribing Tips in the Elderly
Management of Drug Therapy in Older Adults
Physiologic Changes with Aging
Interprofessional Geriatric Education and Training in Texas: Medication Management
Registration Required
Practical Issues Related to Medication Use in Dementia
Registration Required
Medication Management in Older Adults
Registration Required
Drug Therapy in Older Adults
Registration Required
When Normal Care May Not Necessarily be Good Care Video by Dr. John Puxty
Geriatric Pharmacy Curriculum Guide
Pharmacology Module (Nov 19 - Dec 2, 2018)
Registration Required
Complete a detailed Best Possible Medication History and perform medication reconciliation.
Promote adherence to a prescribed drug regimen.
No identified educational resources for this behavioural statement at this time, if you have a resource in this area please contact
Identify potentially inappropriate medication for an older adult patient.
Safer Prescribing in Elderly Article - Canadian Geriatrics Society
BEERS Criteria for Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Older Adults Pocketguide
Drug Drug Interaction in Older Cancer Patients
Discontinuation of Medications in Dementia
Registration Required
Indication of Potentially Inappropriate Medications: Beers Criteria - Update 2015
Registration Required
Safe and Effective Use of Medications in Older Adults
Safer Prescribing in Elderly Article - Canadian Geriatrics Society
Recognize polypharmacy.
Polypharmacy Video by Chris Fan Lun
A Primer on Safe Prescribing to the Elderly Presentation
Medication & Polypharmacy Primary Care Resources
Polypharmacy Powerpoint from U of Texas
La polypharmacie (polypharmacy)
En Français
Adverse Drug Events and Polypharmacy
Registration Required
Polypharmacy and Deprescribing Module
Alliance for Geriatric Education in Specialties Curriculum (8 module powerpoint)
Safe and Effective Use of Medications in Older Adults
Tools to Reduce Polypharmacy
Deprescribing: Managing Medications to Reduce Polypharmacy
Polypharmacy Video by Chris Fan Lun
Demonstrate knowledge of medication management
Demonstrate knowledge of currently accepted recommendations for primary and secondary prevention of common geriatric syndromes:
Demonstrate knowledge of currently accepted recommendations for primary and secondary prevention of common geriatric syndromes
Exercise Primary Care Resources
Exercise Video by Dr. Sunita Mathur
Exercise Effects on the Brain and Cognition in Healthy Aging and Dementia Populations
Registration Required
Exercise Programming for an Aging Population
Registration Required
Optimizing Physical Activity in Older Adults
Registration Required
Geriatric Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Registration Required
Exercise Primary Care Resources
Demonstrate knowledge of currently accepted recommendations for primary and secondary prevention of common geriatric syndromes
Demonstrate an awareness of the limitations of the scientific literature with regard to generalizability and applicability to a frail older population.
No identified educational resources for this behavioural statement at this time, if you have a resource in this area please contact
Apply knowledge of the clinical, socio-behavioural and functional biomedical sciences relevant to geriatric clinical practice, including but not limited to:
Screening, Assessment, and Risk Identification
Gather patient medical and social history and clinical data in sufficient depth to inform care planning and effective clinical decision making.
Identify and explore issues to be addressed in a patient encounter including the patient’s context and preferences.
Conduct an assessment within identified domains of the CGA using clinical acumen in conjunction with standardized, valid, reliable instruments as appropriate.
Alcohol Use
Behavioural Issues
A Brief Interview for Assessing Compulsive Hoarding - The Hoarding Rating Scale Interview
Tool on the Assessment & Treatment of Behavioural Symptoms of Older Adults Living in Long-Term Care Facilities
Behavioural Assessment Tool
Grille d’observation Comportementale-SCPD (Behavioural Observation Tool)
En Français
Non-Pharmacological Assessment and Management of Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia
Meaning and Solutions for Behaviours in Dementia Inventory
Cohen Mansfield Agitation Inventory (CMAI)
Cohen Mansfield Agitation Inventory (CMAI)
Kingston Standardized Behavioural Assessment
Preventing Unsafe Wandering and Elopement
Registration Required
Échelle de stress de la personne aidante de Kingston (KCSS) (Kingston Caregiver Stress Scale)
En Français
Évaluation du comportement standardisée de Kingston (Kingston Standardized Behaviour Assessment)
En Français
Inventaire d’agitation de Cohen-Mansfield - voir la fin du document (Annexe 3) (Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory - See end of document (Appendix 3)
En Français
A Brief Interview for Assessing Compulsive Hoarding - The Hoarding Rating Scale Interview
Bone Disorders
Bowel/Bladder Management
Initial Management of UI in Women, Men and Frail Elderly
7 Day Bowel Record
Continence Information History
Patient Incontinence Impact Questionnaire
Transdisciplinary Patient/Client Bowel Assessment Tool
Urinary Incontinence Assessment in Older Adults: Part I - Transient Urinary Incontinence
Urinary Incontinence Assessment in Older Adults: Part II - Established Urinary Incontinence
Initial Management of UI in Women, Men and Frail Elderly
Care Setting
Delirium Module
Registration Required
Delirium Video by Dr. Camilla Wong
Cognitive Impairment
Delirium in Hospital Care
Delirium Primary Care Resources
Recognizing, Preventing and Managing Delirium in Adult Hospitalized Patients
Registration Required
Delirium, Dementia, and Depression in Older Adults: Assessment and Care
Le délire, la démence, et la dépression chez les personnes âgées: Évaluation et soins (Delirium, dementia and depression in older adults: Evaluation and care)
En Français
Geriatric Delirium
Delirium: Medication Decision Making in Prevention and Management
Registration Required
Registration Required
Depression and Delirium in Older Adults
Registration Required
The Confused Patient in the Hospital
Alliance for Geriatric Education in Specialties Curriculum (8 module powerpoint)
Delirium Module
Registration Required
Kingston Standardized Cognitive Assessment - revised (KSCAr)
Clock Drawing Test
Cognitive Enhancers - Monitoring Side Effects
Mini-Cog Examination
Mini-Cog Examination
Mini Mental State Exam
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA)
MoCA - voir la fin du document (Annexe 2)
En Français
Trail Making Test
Trail Making Test
CPCOG Screening Test
CPCOG Screening Test (website)
IQ-CODE Informant Questionnaire
Lawton-Brody Functional Assessment
Dementia Observation System (DOS)
Recognition of Dementia in Hospitalized Older Adults
Brief Evaluation of Executive Dysfunction: An Essential Refinement in the Assessment of Cognitive Impairment
Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia
Kingston Standardized Cognitive Assessment - revised (KSCAr)
Driving Safety
Psychogeriatric Driving Safety Assessment
Dementia and Driving Checklist
Driving Video by Dr. Mark Rapoport
The Driving and Dementia Toolkit (RGP Eastern Ontario)
Driving and the Older Adult
Driving Safety of the Older Adult
Registration Required
Driving and Dementia
Cognitive Impairment and Driving Module
Psychogeriatric Driving Safety Assessment
30 Second Chair Stand Test
Are you at risk for falling?
Berg Balance Scale
Assessment of Fear of Falling in Older Adults: The Falls Efficacy Scale International (FES-I)
Falls Risk Assessment Tool
Range of Joint Motion Evaluation Chart
Romberg Test
6 Minute Walking Test
Dynamic Gait Index
Timed Up and Go Test
Tinetti Balance Assessment
Fall Risk Assessment for Older Adults - The Hendrich II Fall Risk Model
Falls Prevention: Risk Assessment (for Nurses and Administrators)
Registration Required
Falls Prevention Program
Registration Required
Échelle ABC-S Grille de Cotation (ABC questionnaire)
En Français
Assessing and Intervening in Fall Risk in Older Adults
Gait Disorders in the Elderly
30 Second Chair Stand Test
General/Comprehensive Assessment
Fulmer SPICES - An Overall Assessment Tool for Older Adults
NE Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Form
Geriatric Periodic Health Exam (GPHE): Introduction
Geriatric Periodic Health Exam (GPHE): Patient Screening Questionnaire
Geriatric Periodic Health Exam (GPHE): Clinician Geriatric Screen
Preventive Care Checklist Form: Female
Preventive Care Checklist Form: Male
Geriatric Assessment & Screening Tools
Registration Required
Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment Video by Dr. Samir Sinha
Rapid Geriatric Assessment
Rapid Geriatric Assessment Training Video
Geriatric Assessment
Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment
Geriatric Screening in Primary Care
Geriatric Assessment
Registration Required
Fulmer SPICES - An Overall Assessment Tool for Older Adults
Antipsychotic Deprescribing Algorithm
ARMOR - A Tool to Evaluate Polypharmacy in Elderly Persons
Benzodiazepine and Z-Drug (BZRA) Deprescribing Algorithm
DIRE Score - Patient Selection for Chronic Opioid Analgesia
Polypharmacy Powerpoint from U of Texas
Opioid Risk Tool Clinician Form
Proton Pump Inhibitor Deprescribing Algorithm
STARTing and STOPPing Medications in the Elderly
AGS Beers Criteria
Antipsychotic Deprescribing Algorithm
Mood Disorders
PHQ Screening Tools
En Français
Screening Tool
Échelle de Cornell (Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia)
En Français
5 Item Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS)
The Psychiatric Review of Symptoms: A Screening Tool for Family Physicians
Geriatric Depression Scale (15 item and 30 item are available)
SIGECAPS Depression Assessment
Inventaire de Beck pour la depression (Beck Inventory for depression)
En Français
Inventaire de Beck pour l’anxiété (Beck Inventory for anxieties)
En Français
The Impact of Event Scale - Revised (IES-R)
Evaluation and Management of Late Life Psychosis
PHQ Screening Tools
En Français
Oral Health
Identify and explore issues to be addressed in a patient encounter including the patient’s context and preferences.